Vending at The Farmers' Market in Brazos County...

The Farmers’ Market in Brazos County now has two Vendor Categories.

Full Vendor - This Vendor category attends the Farmers’ Market on Saturday Mornings, and includes both Day Vendors ($35 per day, $30 one-time application fee) and Regular Vendors ($200 per Calendar Year, $30 one-time application fee). Day Vendors are subject to the same specifications as Regular Vendors and must provide proof of personal liability insurance. The Farmers’ Market in Brazos County must be added as an “additional insured”, with full details/instructions provided at the time a Vendor is approved. The Regular Vendors of this group may also attend First Fridays.

Part-time Vendors for Farmers’ Market/First Friday privileges - ($35 each day, $30 one-time application fee). This Vendor Category may attend First Fridays or The Farmers’ Market in Brazos County. THIS VENDOR GROUP MUST HAVE PRODUCT AND LIABILITY INSURANCE WITH THE SAME REQUIREMENTS AS FULL VENDORS.

All First Friday attendees that fall in either Vendor Category must adhere to the same rules and regulations required by The Farmers’ Market in Brazos County. These rules and regulations can be found on the Farmers’ Market in Brazos County Website. Also, Board Members may address potential problems in person at First Friday events and Vendors must comply with any changes requested by Board Members at that time. All vendors planning to attend must notify the board by the Wednesday before First Friday via email to: Only products approved by the board may be sold at either the Farmers’ Market OR First Friday Events. Unapproved items for sale at either the Farmers’ Market or First Friday may be grounds for permanent removal as a Vendor.

As the name implies, “First Friday” is a Downtown Bryan event hosted by the city on the first Friday of each month. Main Street between 26th and 28th (across from the Queen Theatre and the Carnegie History Center) will be closed from 4pm till 10pm. Vendors arrive at the Main/26th intersection between 4:00 and 4:30 pm to set up. You’ll set up your tent and table directly on the street in what is normally on-street parking spot. You won’t be allowed to keep your car, so after you unload, you’ll need to move it. The event is open from 5pm thru 10pm.

Downtown shops are also open for business. The city reserves the right to cancel due to weather.

To maintain some sort of balance in our Market we reserve the right to limit the number of vendors, to avoid product repetition.

All vendors (and day-vendors) must be able to prove that they actually produce the product that they propose to sell. 

Vendors (and day-vendors) will not be able to participate in The Farmers’ Market in Brazos County until their information has been reviewed and approved by the TFMIBC Executive Committee.

You must allow for up to 14 business days for the review and approval process. (it does not usually take this long, but please be prepared)

individuals who Grow, produce or cultivate in TEXAS CAN BECOME VENDORS


As we become aware of helpful information, it will be added.

How To Sell At Farmers Markets in Texas. Helpful blog post on growing a successful maker business:

If your insurance policy happens to be with FLIP or ACT, you may use coupon code BRAZOS10 for $10 off your annual policy or BRAZOS5 for $5 off your show policy.

ACT Enrollment link: - ACT policies cover artists, crafters, and tradesmen. Show Policies start at $49 for 3-days of coverage and can go up to 90-days of coverage. Annual Policies start at $279. Free and unlimited additional insureds.

FLIP Enrollment link: - FLIP Policies cover food businesses. FLIP Policies start at $299. Free and unlimited additional insureds.

Please be sure to read the RULES & REGULATIONS and VENDOR PARKING POLICY below.


Rules and Regulations

Vendor Parking Policy

Contact Us!

If you have a question or concern, please fill out the form and a member of our Executive Committee will get back with you as soon as possible.